Causes and treatment of facial nerve paralysis in rabbits

Causes and treatment of facial nerve paralysis in rabbits. What are the symptoms of pain caused by rabbit or rabbit facial palsy? How is the disease diagnosed and treated? All about facial paralysis caused by nerve damage in rabbits.

Facial palsy and palsy is a disorder of the cranial nerve – a nerve that originates in the brain (opposite the spine). Dysfunction of this nerve can cause muscle paralysis or weakness in the ears, eyelids, lips, and nostrils. Irritability and the inability to move the eyes and facial muscles can lead to decreased tear production, which can lead to other eye conditions.

In rabbits, facial nerve palsy is sometimes observed following an ear or mouth infection. Short breeds and folds tend to increase the risk of facial paralysis and paralysis.

Symptoms and Types of Facial Palsy in Rabbits

Findings Related to Ear Disorders

  • Tilt your head
  • Drooping ears and lips pain (especially when opening the mouth)
  • White, dull, opaque and bulging tissue in the ear
  • History of ear infections, especially vestibular (or inner ear) infections

Other symptoms

  • Lots
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