How many Angora rabbit breeds? Characteristics of each breed

How many Angora rabbit breeds? For homeowners interested in raising angora rabbits for wool production or as pets, there is definitely an angora rabbit breed for you.

It’s best to research all of these and talk to the breeder before you decide.

Needless to say, breeders love anything they put in a rabbit cage. However, if you listen to them talk about their rabbits, sometimes they will reveal to you some information or clues as to whether the breed is right (or not) for you.

How many Angora Rabbit Breeds?

Below are detailed descriptions of the five main Angora rabbit breeds recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) or the International Association of German Angora Breeders (IAGARB).

5 Popular Angora Rabbit Breeds

1. British Angora Rabbit


Weighing between 2.5 and 3.75 kg in adulthood, the British Angora is the smallest of the Angora rabbit breeds. It is also the most popular display stand for angora due to its unique face and ear “furniture”.

This Angora rabbit benefits

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