How many Angora rabbit breeds? For homeowners interested in raising angora rabbits for wool production or as pets, there is definitely an angora rabbit breed for you.
It’s best to research all of these and talk to the breeder before you decide.
Needless to say, breeders love anything they put in a rabbit cage. However, if you listen to them talk about their rabbits, sometimes they will reveal to you some information or clues as to whether the breed is right (or not) for you.
How many Angora Rabbit Breeds?
Below are detailed descriptions of the five main Angora rabbit breeds recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) or the International Association of German Angora Breeders (IAGARB).
5 Popular Angora Rabbit Breeds
1. British Angora Rabbit
Weighing between 2.5 and 3.75 kg in adulthood, the British Angora is the smallest of the Angora rabbit breeds. It is also the most popular display stand for angora due to its unique face and ear “furniture”.
This Angora rabbit benefits
from daily brushing to keep its coat free of mats and debris, as it has more wool than guard.
This means that while they are gentle with children, they are not suitable as rabbits for small children.
Taking care of the coat is simply amazing. They produce 0.28 to 0.5 kg of fiber per year.
2. French Angora Rabbit
These individuals weighed between 3.75 and 5.25 kg and contrasted sharply with the English Angora in terms of hair-to-hair ratio and hair care. In this case, the undercoat takes up more fur than the undercoat, making the French Angora a better choice for the novice Angora and ideal for hand spinners.
French Angora rabbits molt naturally, so their fur can be harvested by plucking. This rabbit can produce up to 0.5 kg of wool per year.
3. Satin Angora Rabbit
The Satin Angora is a cross between the French Angora and the Satin Rabbit. Weighing between 3.25 and 5 kg, the coat has an amazing luster due to the unique quality of the fibrous scales.
Satin Angora Rabbits are dense and happy to harvest. Weavers find it very good to use angora satin rabbit fur because it inflates easily. However, this breed is not one of the larger woolly rabbit breeds that produce about 0.28 to 0.45 kilograms of wool per year.
4. Giant Angora Rabbit
Giant Angora Rabbit is the largest of the Angora rabbit breeds, the giant breed weighs at least 4.75 to 5 kg, and the Giant Angora Rabbit is one of the highest wool-producing rabbit breeds in the world 1 to 1 kg wool per year.
Although the Giant is of German origin, the Giant Rabbit and the German Rabbit are two different breeds.
This giant was created by crossing German Angora rabbits with other breeds such as the Flemish Giant Rabbit to create a larger rabbit.
The only color recognized by ARBA is white. This breed never sheds naturally, so the wool should always be harvested by hand shearing.
5. German Angora Rabbit
Often confused with giant angora rabbits, German rabbits are not accepted by ARBA but have their own association and are expressed through IAGARB. This is the main yarn-produced variety.
They weigh between 3.5 and 5.75 kilograms and produce a staggering 1.25 to 2.25 kilograms of wool per year.
German Angora rabbits are similar to English rabbits in that they have irresistible facial features, although they are less common.
Instructions for Grooming a Rabbit Angora
If your angora is a household pet or used to make wool, all you need is a wide-toothed comb and a smooth brush. You’ll also need a high-speed blower if you’re going to show your rabbit.
Blowers can be expensive, but if an Angola show is your thing, you won’t be able to pass up without using it.
Grooming can be performed on a secure waist-high table with a non-slip mat or mat.
However, unless you use a hair dryer on your coat, you may find it easiest to groom your rabbit on your lap.
Step-by-step instructions
- First, place a towel on your lap to keep your rabbit feathered and safe.
- Place the rabbit on your lap with its back to the body.
- If you are right-handed, take a handful of wool in your left hand and pull up firmly but gently.
- Gently grasp the bottom of the captured coat with the comb with your right hand, then take some hair and brush the hair away from the body.
- Repeat this movement, but this time grab a little more hair than you did the first time. Then repeat. Make sure to rotate the bunny to fit the part you are grooming at the time.
For areas with a bit of carpet, use a wide-toothed comb and brush with a light brush.
- Pay special attention to the lower part of the chin, between the ears and the sides (long hairs on the cheeks). If the rabbit eats all the old stuff, the furniture will rot.
- For the abdomen, carefully turn the rabbit over while gently but firmly grasping the scalp (loose skin) of the ears and neck.
- Place the rabbit ears between your knees, but be careful not to pinch them. Also, pay attention to where your face is when you lean over to brush the downed rabbit. They are notorious for kicking people and will slap you in the face with their claws.
Through this article, I hope you have a better understanding of the Angora rabbit breed and its interesting characteristics.
Of course, I also mentioned how to keep their coats in top condition.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a comment. I will reply immediately.