Can Rabbits Eat Zucchini?

Most rabbits LOVE their vegetable snacks and it’s just so easy to give them a piece of whatever human food you are snacking on too. However, there are some foods that are safe for humans, but can be harmful to your pet bunny. One common food, zucchini, is often in question: Can rabbits eat zucchini safely?

What Does a Typical Rabbit Diet Consist of?

  • An adult rabbit’s main source of food in their diet should come mostly from high-quality hay.
  • Hay is a forage that is low in calories and high in fiber, easy on the rabbit’s digestive system.
  • Other pieces of the rabbit’s diet may include commercial pellets and/or treats and snacks such as fruits and vegetables.
  • However, not all fruits and vegetables are safe for your bunny to have.

Zucchini Basics

Can Rabbits Eat Zucchini?
Can Rabbits Eat Zucchini?
  • Let’s look a little deeper into what zucchinis are so that we can better decide if they should be a
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