C. Remember that rabbits have the need for vitamin C in their diet just like many other animals! We may be onto something here….
Vitamin C is one of the major players of helping to prevent a disease known as scurvy.
Let’s just say that vitamin C is extremely important for your bunny to have!
Sugar Content
- Watermelon has a high sugar content as well. Something to take note of and to keep in mind when feeding bunnies!
- It also contains a high percentage of water, which is great when looking to maintain hydration.
- Watermelon contains fiber, especially the watermelon rind!
- Watermelon provides fiber which helps in constipation and improves gut motility. Too much though, can lead to too much gut motility… and that’s not a good thing either!
Other Vitamins & Minerals
Watermelon contains other vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus, which are all needed for healthy body function.
Can Rabbits Eat Watermelon?
Well after learning about some of the health benefits and some of the risks that the consumption of watermelon brings with it, wouldn’t it be nice it you could just safely feed it to your rabbit?
Well, you can…. in moderation.
That’s right, feeding a small amount of watermelon as a treat to your rabbit on occasion is totally fine and they will likely LOVE you for it!
Moderation = Approximately a 1-2 tablespoon amount of watermelon is enough melon for one rabbit.
If you have a smaller rabbit or a dwarf variety, cut that amount in half and just give your smaller rabbit no more than 1/2 – 1 tablespoon worth of seedless watermelon per week as a treat.
If your pet does not eat all of their fruits and vegetables within 12-24 hours, then you need to dispose of it for them.
They will likely not eat it, and it will only sit in their cage and get old and eventually become unsafe to eat.
The rest of their diet, the other 90 or so percent, should be made up of rabbit food and hay.
You should feed this amount no more than once per week and no two days in a row.
How About Watermelon Seeds?
- And then there are the seeds, a potential choking hazard in and of itself. Don’t feed watermelon seeds to your rabbit.
- The seeds of watermelon are slippery, hard, and slimy.
- They are also the perfect size to get lodged in a rabbit’s throat and cause them to choke.
- Always remove any watermelon seeds prior to feeding the melon to your rabbit.
How to Feed Watermelon to a Rabbit

- Active Time:5 minutes
- Total Time:5 minutes
- Difficulty: Easy
- Estimated Cost:3.00
- fresh, room temperature watermelon (preferably seedless)
- cutting board
- kitchen knife
- Make sure the watermelon is fresh and at room temperature.
- Cut the melon open and remove the seeds if there are any.
- Cut off the rind and discard it unless you are to feed a small amount of rind in small bite-sized pieces, to your rabbit.
- Cut the melon up into small bite-sized pieces of melon.
- Serve it to your bunny while still fresh and juicy!
Yes, it can be.
Remember that too much melon fed to these little buddies can give them side effects like an upset stomach, gas, bloating, and diarrhea.
This can lead to a multitude of problems including things like dehydration and electrolyte imbalances that could impart a trip to the veterinary clinic for your pocket pet vet to fix.
Can Rabbits Eat Watermelon Rind?
Another issue is the rind…….
The thick rind needs to be cut away and served in small pieces and small amounts to the pet or it can become a digestive issue for them.
Watermelon rind can be served to your rabbit. The whiter flesh of the rind is easier for your pet to chew and ingest than the outermost green, thick and tough rind.
These servings of watermelon rind should be done in moderation, as the watermelon rind contains fiber which, if too much is ingested at one time, can cause diarrhea as well.
What About Watermelon Juice?
You should not offer your rabbit watermelon juice. This is because watermelon juice has a high sugar content, which is not going to be good for your pet.
The high sugar content can cause diarrhea, obesity, etc., creating more problems than good. No watermelon juice for your rabbit, please!
Alternative Foods For Rabbits:
Wrap up:
So weigh the pros and cons of feeding watermelon to your rabbit before tossing them a sweet and juicy snack, and if you do decide to give them a treat, remember, it’s safe in moderation.
Or leave assessments/contributions in the comment. I will answer you immediately.