The recent discovery of an extraterrestrial mummy in an ancient Egyptian tomb has left scientists astounded. The unearthing of this mummy could reshape our understanding of human history and the intricate links between ancient civilizations and potential extraterrestrial visits.

The preserved creature was found in one of the ancient pyramids by a research team led by archaeologist Viktor Lubek from Pennsylvania State University. Measuring between 160-150 cm in length, the mummy was discovered buried with great care and respect, dating back to around 2000 or 1880 BC.

The mummy, named Osirunt Osirunet, which means “star sent from heaven,” lacks external ears and possesses large almond-shaped eyes. Inscriptions in the tomb suggest the creature served as an advisor to the king.

Nearby, a hidden burial chamber was discovered containing unusual artifacts and a mysterious machine, unlike anything previously found in any pharaonic tomb. The Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities is keeping details and photos of the discovery confidential,