Dark Maze: Where Does Life on Mars Hide?

New discovery of a colossal ancient volcano in the Labyrinth of the Night makes it an exciting choice for missions seeking signs of life.

The Labyrinth of the Night, also known as Noctis Labyrinthus, is located in the equatorial region of Mars, one of the celestial bodies where NASA and many other space agencies believe life may have once existed.

In a recent study, a team of scientists led by planetary scientist Pascal Lee from the SETI Institute (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence – USA) has uncovered the astonishing secret of the Labyrinth of the Night.

That’s when they followed the trail of an ancient ice river and discovered the remnants of a colossal, ancient volcano.

This volcano had been heavily eroded, initially escaping notice in satellite data. It has been tentatively named Noctis Mons.

“This area of Mars is known to have various types of water-rich minerals spread throughout its history. There are suspicions about the context in which these minerals formed due

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