Lazar claims that S4 is a hidden military installation that serves as a research center for the study of alien spacecraft. Lazar says he was hired by the United States. Lazar says he was hired between 1988 and 1989 to reverse-engineer several top-secret spacecraft held in his possession in underground bunkers on S4. He also claims that he personally saw nine different types of alien vehicles while working there.
Bob Lazar Conspiracy
Lazar claims to have qualifications as an engineer and scientist, reportedly earning a master’s degree in Physics from MIT and a master’s degree in Electronics from the California Institute of Technology. Both claims were refuted in 1993 after a Los Angeles Times investigation revealed that neither of these institutions had any record of his alleged academic achievements.
Famed physicist, ufologist, and researcher Stanton Friedman also conducted extensive research into Lazar’s academic
background, which didn’t pan out after several searches for transcripts, diplomas, professional associations, and even pages in the Caltech or MIT yearbooks.
The only aspect of Lazar’s education that Friedman could verify substantively was that Lazar took some electronics courses at Pierce Junior College (in Los Angeles) in the late 1970s.
Several of Lazar’s supporters claim that his academic background was “erased” by the government in an attempt to attack his credibility after revealing data on top-secret projects he allegedly participated in during his time at S4.
To date, his academic and professional background remains the subject of much conjecture, and no concrete verification has been brought to light, further fueling allegations by Lazar’s supporters that the government tampered with his personal records.
Lazar’s W-2 forms and pay stubs have also appeared, purportedly showing that he did indeed work for the U.S. government in 1989, but many detractors have claimed that the documents are forgeries.
Another question that is often posed along with Lazar’s employment history is why he only worked for the government for a six-month period and why they would have to relegate a high-level confidential investigation to an outside contractor.
Element 115
One of the most interesting aspects of Lazar’s story is the theme of Element 115, which Lazar claimed to have worked with firsthand while conducting his research. Temporarily called “Ununpentium,” Element 115 was officially discovered in 2003 and is classified as a superheavy synthetic chemical element.
Element 115 UFO fuel?
Lazar claims that Element 115 was used as a source of nuclear fuel that could power the alien spacecraft he investigated. He further stated that when Element 115 was subjected to proton bombardment, it would produce antigravity effects as well as antimatter-based energy production, allowing the spacecraft to not only propel itself, but also simultaneously maintain its fuel needs.
In a major television interview in 1989 by investigative journalist George Knapp, Lazar further stated that the U.S. government possesses 500 pounds of Element 115 and that at one point he was able to obtain a small amount for himself, but that was later stolen.
Lazar also claimed to have worked as a physicist at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. Lazar’s supporters point out that this claim can be substantiated because Lazar’s name appears in the Los Alamos National Laboratory’s phone book.
The problem with this claim is that this phone book also claims that it includes contact information for DOE employees as well as an outside contractor named Kirk Meyer. In fact, Lazar’s name appears in the phone book, but with a notation “K/M” after his name, indicating that he actually worked for Kirk Meyer and not for Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Aliens in Sector 4 “S4”
During Lazar’s alleged stint in S4, he also claims to have been told about the centuries-long involvement that extraterrestrial beings have had with this planet. In other testimonies he has described these extraterrestrial beings as originating from a binary star system known as Zeta Reticuli, an almost infamous segment of the southern hemisphere constellation Reticulum.
Many ufologists and other paranormal researchers claim that Zeta Reticuli is the homeland of a race of extraterrestrial beings known as Zeta Reticulans, more popularly called “Ashes” due to common descriptions given by alleged alien abduction victims and other eyewitness testimony.
Were the craft developed based on UFO technology in S4?
Unfortunately, in more recent years, Lazar has been embroiled in legal battles related to other business ventures he was involved in following his alleged employment at S4. He was arrested and charged with pimping after installing a computer system in a brothel in Clark County, Nevada in exchange for what we’ll call the brothel’s “business services.”
Although prostitution is legal in the state of Nevada, it is illegal in Clark County. Bob was later sentenced to 3 years of probation and community service, some of which, ironically, included installing a computer system for the Clark County government.
In 2000, Lazar later started a scientific supply company called United Nuclear, which originated in New Mexico but now operates out of Laingsburg, Michigan. United Nuclear sells several different types of scientific materials, including high-powered magnets, various laboratory chemicals, and radioactive minerals.
United Nuclear became the subject of a federal investigation after Lazar and his wife were found shipping restricted materials across state lines, a violation of the federal Hazardous Substances Act. Lazar claimed that he was not aware of the fact that the materials were illegal due to obtaining misleading information on the Internet.
In more recent years, Lazar has kept a low profile although he has become a cult hero for his contributions to the UFO/paranormal community. He is currently involved in organizing an annual festival known as “Desert Blast,” which is commonly referred to as the world’s largest “outlaw” fireworks display.
Interestingly, the festival has acquired the same secrecy as Lazar himself, since the date and location of the festival change every year and are only revealed to the guests.
While Lazar’s claims have been questioned and/or discredited by many people, there still remains some stigma surrounding his claims about S4 and Element 115. We may never know the full truth about these issues, but at least they continue to fuel the mystery surrounding the U.S. government’s ubiquitous secrecy regarding extraterrestrial life.