End Times Prophecy: Unraveling the Mysteries of Meteors, Pandemics, and Climate Changes with Speculation on Alien Involvement, below is a leaked video ‎👇👇👇

The tension between countries such as the United States, Russia, China, Israel, Iran or North Korea, all of which have nuclear weapons under their belts, is a major concern and perhaps the most palpable at the moment.


Very few people pay attention to this, but nature is possibly our biggest threat. Supervolcanoes have been around forever, and according to Walsh, there’s a good chance that one or several will wipe us out.

They are literally a ticking time bomb that can be activated at any time. In Wyoming, for example, there is the most famous Yellowstone supervolcano on the planet, which is active today and has erupted three times in the last 2.1 million years.

If it exploded now, it would turn into an inferno of burning lava, ash, and toxic gases about 45 kilometers in diameter. The land that destroyed 640,000 years ago. But its lava isn’t the only concern. A supervolcano

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