NASA Staff Claim: Humans Linked to Aliens with Abundant Evidence

Proponents of the theory that humans are the result of alien intervention point to a range of evidence supporting their claims. From anomalies in human DNA to unexplained technological leaps throughout history and enigmatic ancient artifacts, these assertions challenge conventional explanations of human origins and development.

One compelling argument revolves around ancient artifacts and architectural wonders like the pyramids of Egypt. Advocates suggest that the precision and complexity of these structures exceed the technological capabilities of their time, hinting at potential extraterrestrial influence on ancient civilizations.

Moreover, anomalies in human DNA have sparked speculation about deliberate genetic modifications by intelligent alien beings. While mainstream science attributes these variations to natural processes, proponents argue that they could signify extraterrestrial intervention in human evolution.

Additionally, sudden advancements in human technology throughout history, such as the Industrial Revolution and the Information Age, are cited as evidence of possible alien influence. Some researchers argue that these rapid advancements surpass evolutionary expectations, pointing to extraterrestrial guidance

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