The House That Moved, Exeter: Greatest Feat of Engineering of its Kind

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The House That Moved stands as a testament to both history and engineering prowess in Exeter, Devon. Built around 1450, this crooked medieval house was faced with demolition in 1961 due to city development plans. However, its Grade II listing saved it from destruction, prompting an extraordinary relocation effort.

The move, completed in 1961, saw the house shifted 220 feet from its original location at 16 Edmund Street to its current spot on West Street. The process, watched by reporters and cameramen from around the world, involved stripping the building back to its wooden frame, attaching iron wheels, and laying steel rails. Jacks and winches were employed to carefully maneuver the top-heavy structure along the 1:10 gradient hill to its new position opposite the Church of St Mary Steps.

Today, The House That Moved serves as a wedding dress shop at 24 West Street, Exeter, offering visitors a glimpse into its remarkable history. Nearby attractions include the historic St Mary’s Steps church, rebuilt in the 15th century, and Stepcote Hill, a charming alley lined with timber-framed cottages.

Exeter Cathedral, just a 2-minute walk away, presents another architectural marvel. Founded in 1050, it showcases centuries of craftsmanship and faith, making it a must-visit destination in Exeter. With daily tours available, visitors can immerse themselves in the cathedral’s rich history and stunning architecture, offering a truly unforgettable experience in this historic city.

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