Tales of gigantic beings have persisted throughout human history, from ancient cultures to modern times. While there’s no concrete evidence supporting the existence of giants, the discovery of giant footprints across the globe has sparked curiosity and speculation.

One notable discovery occurred in August 2016, when a group of photographers stumbled upon a giant human-shaped footprint in Pingyan village, Guizhou, China. Measuring 57 cm in length, 20 cm in width, and 3 cm in depth, this fossilized footprint was purportedly from the prehistoric era, challenging our understanding of human evolution.

Despite widespread coverage on various websites, the original article lacked credible sources, casting doubt on its authenticity. Further investigation revealed that no reputable local newspapers in Guizhou had reported on the discovery, leaving the scientific community skeptical.

Conspiracy websites seized upon the story, linking it to other alleged giant footprints around the world. Archaeologist Michael Tellinger claimed to have dated one footprint to 200 million years