The unsolved mystery of Puma Punku: Who created the megalithic structures that look like they were cut by lasers?

Since Puma Punku was discovered, countless researchers have worked hard to uncover the mystery behind this site.

Perched high in the Bolivian Andes, the ancient city of Tiwanaku (Spanish: Tiahuanaco) boasts architectural feats that continue to baffle archaeologists and historians. Majestic stone structures such as the Akapana pyramid and the Puma Punku foundation are evidence of a civilization that was very developed in the past, but the method of building these structures remains to this day. is still a mystery.

As time passed, ancient civilizations left us many brilliant cultural legacies, such as the pyramids, Stonehenge in England, and stone statues on Easter Island. And among them is a site that is considered more magical than the Pyramid – “Puma Punku megalithic site”.

Talking about Puma Punku, many people will certainly find it strange. It is located in the Bolivian Andes Mountains, a wasteland at an altitude of 3,800 meters. This place is most famous for its stones that are carefully processed as if cut by

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