Strange circles “fall from the sky”

In the sandy desert of Namibia in southern Africa, many “fairy circles” form and then disappear after a few years without anyone explaining it. The duration of these circles is not the same, but can last as long as a person’s life.

Some small circles last an average of 24 years, while larger circles “live” up to 75 years, a study published in the journal PloS ONE. This study also says little about why those circles form, exist, and then disappear after a few decades.

Biologist Walter Tschinkel at Florida State University began researching mysterious circles in Namibia in 2005. Thousands of strange circles exist in the red sandy soil area. A short time after the circle was formed, grass also grew along the edge of the circle.

Very few scientists have ever studied fairy circles, because they are located in very remote places, up to 180km from the nearest village. This is an arid area where antelopes, ostriches, leopards and several other large animals often

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