Ancient Stone 5,000 Years Old, Hidden Like Stonehenge in the Earth of Spain

The Soto Dolmen (Dolmen de Soto) is an underground structure in Trigueros, Andalusia, Spain. Also known as “Underground Stonehenge”, this megalithic site, built 4,500 to 5,000 years ago, is one of about 200 past burial sites in Huelva.

The dolmen consists of a circular mound with a long passage leading to a chamber where eight human remains were found along with various artifacts including cups, bowls, plates, daggers and marine fossils . But what makes this tomb truly unique is the presence of engravings and paintings on some of the standing stones that line the passages and chambers. These images depict people, cups, knives and geometric forms, and reveal a glimpse into the beliefs and practices of the people who built and used this mausoleum.

The origins of Neolithic tomb construction in Europe remain a mystery. We know, however, that the Neolithic revolution began around 10,000 BC in what is now the Middle East, but the development and spread of

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