Under the Earth’s crust lies a mysterious world, a world full of magma, volcanoes and earthquakes. Can life survive in this harsh environment? Could an ancient civilization exist?
These questions always stimulate people’s imagination and produce many myths and legends. There is an Indian tribe in the American continent who call themselves the Hopi, their mythology has many stories about the underground world, they claim to have met underground people and received help from them . Some underground people are like ants, some are like spiders, some are like snakes, they all have extraordinary abilities and intelligence.
The Hopi people are one of the Native American tribes
The Hopi people are one of the Native American tribes originating from ancient peoples living in the southwestern region of the United States. The Hopi’s history dates back thousands of years, making it one of the oldest cultures in the world.
The Hopi are an Indian tribe in northeastern Arizona. Their ancestors can be
traced back to 500 BC. Their language belongs to the Utah-Aztec language family. A characteristic of the Hopi people is that their men do not grow beards. However, their sacrificial props featured beards and bearded gods also appeared in legends.
The Hopi explained that this was because their god had a beard. The Hopi believe that the beard is the mark of humanity and that different beards symbolize different occupations and identities. But the Hopi do not need beards because their jobs and identities are determined by the gods.
The Hopi people’s original name was Hopituh Shi-nu-mu, which means Peaceful One.
The Hopi people’s original name was Hopituh Shi-nu-mu, which means Peaceful One. The concepts of ethics and morality are deeply ingrained in the Hopi tradition and this implies respect for all living things. According to tradition, they lived according to the laws of their Creator, the Maasaw. The Hopi believe that the gods come from the ground, in contrast to other mythologies in which the gods come from the sky. Their mythology believes that ants, specifically ant people, live in the center of the Earth.
An important theme in Hopi mythology is the underworld. The Hopi believe that the underground world is a place full of dangers and wonders. There are many underground people living there, with different shapes and characteristics, some like ants, some like spiders, some like snakes, all with extraordinary properties.
The Hopi people believe that the underground people are their friends and teachers. When disasters happen on Earth, they help the Hopi people escape to the underground world and let them live and study there. Then when the disasters passed, they brought the Hopi people back to the surface to continue living.
To thank the underground people for their kindness, the Hopi paid their respects in a variety of ways, such as imitating the underground people’s image, creating large fake beards or combing a special hairstyle. They would also paint pictures of the underworld on their murals… Interestingly, the Hopi called the ant-people Anunnaki, the same name as the Sumerian god mentioned in the Earth Chronicles.
Throughout the American Southwest we find petroglyphs (rock carvings or hieroglyphs), cave paintings, representing entities, with thin bodies, large eyes and The head is bulbous, sometimes with protruding antennae. These mysterious figures are often shown in a praying position, his elbows and knees placed at right angles, similar to the bent legs of an ant. Many people believe that the ant creatures depicted resemble modern ideas about extraterrestrial life, and some believe that the Hopi tribe saw and interacted with extraterrestrial beings.
Hopi myths and legends are part of their culture and beliefs, reflecting the Hopi’s understanding and respect for the natural and spiritual world, and also reflecting their identity and belonging. Hopi perseverance in their identity and mission.
The myths and legends of the Hopi people also arouse the interest and curiosity of many people. Some people believe that the myths and legends of the Hopi people may have some scientific basis, for example. underground world may refer to underground cave systems. The underground people may refer to some ancient civilizations or races… Of course, these are just speculations and conjectures without evidence or convincing evidence, but they also show myths. Hopi myths and legends have an irresistible appeal, helping us understand the mysteries of the underground world, giving us more imagination and discovery.