Most Enigmatic Top 5 Pyramids Worldwide: Astonishment at Egypt’s Pyramid Missing ‘Passage’

It turns out that the pyramids are not unique to Egypt.

You’ve heard about Egypt with the Giza pyramid, but did you know that there are many other pyramids in the world, even older and more majestic? Join us to explore 5 little-known pyramids, opening a new page in the history of timeless wonders.

Pyramid – Symbol of timeless greatness

When talking about pyramids, the first image that comes to many people’s minds is often the pyramids in Egypt. However, reality shows that there are many other pyramids in the world that are products of many cultures. For each culture, the pyramid has its own unique characteristics and uses.

According to RPS, pyramid is the common name for pyramidal structures with a square base and four sides are equilateral triangles.

For the ancient Egyptians, pyramids were tombs for Pharaohs and queens during the Old Kingdom and Middle Kingdom periods. The shape of the Egyptian pyramid is said to represent the primordial mound from

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