The newborn who looks like an 80-year-old: Rare ageing condition means baby boy has wrinkles and thick hair on his back

A baby boy who looks like an 80-year-old man actually has a rare condition which causes him to age quickly.

Born in Magura, Bangladesh, he has wrinkles, hollow eyes, a shrunken body and a thick layer of hair on his back.

Local doctors were left stunned as to what the cause of his ageing is – but they believe he has progeria.

The condition – which affects just one in four million – often restricts children from having a normal life and causes their body to age faster than it should.

A doctor, who had been treating him, said: ‘The baby does not look like a new born at all.

‘There are prominent sings of ageing such a excessive wrinkles and rough skin texture.’

But his parents are over the moon with the birth of their ‘miracle’ child and can’t hold back their happiness.

Father Biswajit Patro said: ‘We can only thank God. There is no need to be unhappy about the appearance of my

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