Embark on a journey through time as we uncover the enigmatic 6500-year-old tomb, crafted from seashells and sea antlers, offering a glimpse into a forgotten era

Téviec, an island located in Brittany, France, would go unnoticed if it weren’t for its remarkable archaeological significance due to the numerous discoveries made there, primarily from the Mesolithic Period. Among these findings are the remains of two women, dating between 6740 and 5680 BC, who may have been victims of violent acts.

A Grave of Seashells and Antlers: The 6500-Year-Old Resting Place of the Unfortunate Women of Téviec.

Téviec Earns Its Place on the Mesolithic Map

For the past 35 years, the island has been subject to a biotope protection program, making it challenging for

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