Lake Natron is one of the deadliest lakes in the world that scares most animals away.

Lake Natron is a key breeding ground for flamingos, but the animals are at risk of being permanently frozen in the lake’s salt layer if they approach the shore. The bacteria that make the lake water red are among the few creatures that can withstand the average temperature of 26 degrees Celsius, the fatally high salt concentration and the alkalinity of Lake Natron..
Objects that fall into the water will decompose rapidly while those at the edge of the lake become wrapped in salt and “petrified”, according to ecologist David Harper of the University of Leicester. The lake’s harsh conditions are related to the nearby Ol Doinyo Lengai volcano. It is the only active volcano that spews natrocarbonatite lava. This type of lava flows into the lake through a network of streams flowing through the volcano, contributing to alkaline levels above the pH 10 threshold.