Mysterious House Appears on Perilous Cliff Known as the “Devil’s Slide”

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On the treacherous cliffside known as the “Devil’s Slide,” just a few meters from the Pacific Ocean waves, a wooden house has mysteriously appeared, sparking numerous unanswered questions.

A peculiar three-story house, crooked and constructed with wooden beams, has emerged on the edge of a rock formation in the California Gulf area (USA). This rock formation, named the “Devil’s Slide,” is notorious for experiencing landslides to the extent that a nearby road has been destroyed. The cliff earned its ominous name due to its extremely dangerous slippery slope leading to the vast ocean.

The enigmatic house was first discovered in December 2022 through a drone video. Since then, many have attempted to find additional images of it on Google Maps. The house seems to have several rooms, standing precariously on a small rocky ledge. The view from inside this house is likely either breathtaking or terrifying, depending on individual perspectives.

Zoomed-in images reveal signs of habitation, as there appear to be wooden chairs and a closed-off room inside the house. From Google Maps images, it seems there is a cable connecting the house to the trail of the “Devil’s Slide,” presumed to be the pathway leading to the house.

However, questions remain unanswered: Who built this house? Why? And how?

A spokesperson for San Mateo County (California) told SFGATE that because this “construction” is located near the ocean and not within the county’s jurisdiction, they are not managing it.

Samuel Casillas, a land official in the area, told The San Francisco Chronicle, “We know there’s something down there, but we don’t know who it belongs to. It’s in a very precarious location, really inaccessible.” Casillas also mentioned that whoever lives in that house clearly desires solitude, and others should respect that preference.

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