“I saw an alien hitch a ride on the space shuttle,” says retired NASA employee

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McClelland says he worked for NASA as a spacecraft operator at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. During his career, he was involved in more than 650 missions within the Mercury and Apollo schedule, as well as the Space Shuttle program.

It was during one of the space shuttle missions that he became a spectator of a close encounter between NASA astronauts and a tall alien.

According to his account, McClelland was monitoring the mission from his desk at the Kennedy Launch Control Center when he saw something he wasn’t supposed to see:

“I, Clark C. McClelland, former Sco [Spacecraft Operator], Space Shuttle Fleet, personally observed an 8- to 9-foot-tall ET on your 27-inch video monitors while on duty at the Kennedy Space Center, Launch Control Center (LCC).

“ET was standing in the space shuttle’s cargo bay, arguing with two tethered US NASA astronauts! I also observed on my monitors the ET spacecraft in a safe, stabilized orbit aft of the shuttle’s main engines.

“I watched this incident for about one minute and seven seconds. Plenty of time to memorize everything I was observing. It was an ET and an alien ship,” he wrote on his website.

McClelland says he could not be mistaken, as his experience practically guarantees his expertise in “visual recognition of vessels created and piloted by the human race, whether secret or not”.

He says he wasn’t the only employee who witnessed the meeting. Some time after the incident, a friend confided in him that he had seen the same alien inside the crew compartment of the space shuttle.

Clark McLelland sitting on the space shuttle (NASA photo)

McLelland says: “Aliens are here on Earth, they walk among us. They may have been implemented in our various Earth governments.”

NASA has made no statements denying his employment and he has photos and documents that actually support his claims about a long career with the Space Agency.

He goes on to say that NASA is not a civilian agency:

“The Pentagon owns NASA. Some of the DoD (Department of Defense) missions I participated in were top secret. These missions carried TS satellites and other space mission equipment into orbit, where several crews encountered ETs.”

According to their claims, the DoD-governed NASA has been hiding important information about alien contacts, while the US has long maintained a secret military alliance with at least one alien race.

On the other hand, McClelland says he cultivated a close friendship with NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell, one of the first space pioneers and the sixth man to set foot on the Moon.

Mitchell was a supporter of the existence of aliens and their presence on Earth. In 1998, at a conference in Connecticut, he said he was “90 percent certain that many of the thousands of UFOs recorded since the 1940s belong to visitors from other planets.”

Mitchell is just one of many astronauts who are outspoken about their opinions on the ET phenomenon.

Recently, there have been several claims that NASA’s live cameras were showing UFOs docking with the International Space Station.

And there are many cases where the feed was cut off the moment unexplained objects appeared. Could the ISS serve as a meeting point for extraterrestrials, unbeknownst to the seven billion people below?

Although his credibility has often been questioned, many believe McClelland is telling the truth. Sure, calling him crazy seems like a valid solution, but what if he isn’t? Let us know what you think!

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