Former US Navy officer discovered UFO and secret alien base hidden in the No-Fly Zone in Antarctica, below is a leaked video

Antarctica is one of the isolated regions, far from Earth’s civilization, which makes it the most favorable area to carry out a secret research operation or a place where extraterrestrial life would take shelter. A UFO whistleblower named “Brian S,” who served in the U.S. Navy, testified that he saw the entrance to a secret alien base and unidentified flying objects (UFOs) in Antarctica while serving in the U.S. Navy.

On January 2, 2015, Earthfiles reporter and editor Linda Moulton Howe received an email from Brian, who introduced himself as a retired U.S. Navy petty officer, flight engineer first class. Then, the 61-year-old Navy personnel joined the U.S. Navy in 1977 and retired 20 years later in 1997. He provided Linda with his DD214 documents and other certificates of service, including an Antarctic Service Medal given to him on November 20, 1984.

Brian told Linda that his C-130 crew encountered great oddity while transporting cargo and doing rescues in Antarctica in the

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