Introducing “Augie,” the remarkable 20-year-old golden retriever who has recently made history as the oldest dog of her breed ever recorded

This beautiful good-girl recently celebrated a milestone birthday.
The senior golden retriever turned 20 years old and marked the occasion by enjoying a pup-friendly carrot cake and by spending some family time with her pet parents and golden retriever siblings.

But the birthday wasn’t just a big event for August and her family; no, by turning 20 she also made world history!

August (or “Augie”) is now the oldest known living golden retriever.
A fair few goldens have made it to the ripe age of 17, or even to 18 and 19, but Augie is the first golden to make it to twenty.

Despite Augie’s advanced age, she’s still quite healthy.

Augie has been dealing with some kidney issues for several years, and she’s not quite as spry as when she was younger, but she’s still able to move around without struggling and she loves walking around the yard.

Augie’s long life has been eventful,

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