“Defying the Odds: The Inspirational Journey of a Puppy Born with Deformed Front Paws, Triumphing Through Tenacity and Determination”

The happy canine was rescued from imminent death by the British charity Safe Rescue for Dogs in the same Eastern European village where kangaroo-hopping puppy Roo was saved earlier this year. Zoe Hare, 42, a charity worker, stated, “Ruben knows no different and doesn’t understand there is anything wrong with him.”With the same gusto as puppies on four legs, he dives into everything.

A extremely gorgeous puppy has ignored the fact that he was born with malformed front paws by bounding around like a T-REX.

Adorable Reuben is forced to move about by standing on his hind legs and running like a dinosaur.

He balances himself by holding his deformed front paw like a tyrannosaurus rex forelimb and utilising his tail.

The happy dog was rescued from impending death in the same Eastern European village by the British charity Safe Rescue for Dogs.

“Ruben knows no different and doesn’t understand there is anything

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