Dog alerts store owners that he doesn’t belong to couple he came in with and has been dognapped

A five-month-old Australian shepherd called Vango may have had a paw in his own rescue when he alerted personnel at a Gatineau, Que., pet store to his alleged dognapping.

According to Yves Jodoin, a staff member and dog trainer at Au Royaume des Animaux, Vango visited the store Monday with a couple who typically came in to buy cat food.

“The dog was barking, the dog was poking and he really wanted my attention,” Jodoin recalled.

Jodoin said he instantly grew concerned when the couple didn’t appear to know basic facts about the dog – his precise age, whether he’d been sterilized, what sort of food he ate and how much they’d spent for him.

“They were dodging the questions,” Jodoin added. “I was giving the dog biscuits, but the dog was still barking.”

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