“Malaysian Residents Claim Capture of ‘Aliens’: A Mysterious Phenomenon Captures Attention” UFO / By Join
News Update: City Talk on Transported UFOs in Cowley County, USA December 2011 and Most Recent Return UFO / By Join
A family in the US was away, when they returned to look at the camera, this is the image they saw, the family was working with the government UFO / By Join
NASA astronaut talks about strange encounter with aliens on the moon and communicating with gestures UFO / By Join
Nɑsɑ AstɾonauTs Said That On The Moon There Aɾe Many Alien Bases, They Are There And Watchιng Us. UFO / By Join
Nɑsɑ AstɾonauTs Said That On The Moon There Aɾe Many Alien Bases, They Are There And Watchιng Us. UFO / By Join