Chalk Hill Blue (Polyommatus coridon): The Graceful Butterfly of the Chalk Downs

The world of butterflies is filled with an array of enchanting species, and one that stands out for its beauty and elegance is the Chalk Hill Blue (Polyommatus coridon). In this article, we will explore the captivating characteristics of the Chalk Hill Blue butterfly, including its physical features, habitat, life cycle, ecological significance, and ways to contribute to its conservation. Let’s embark on a journey into the mesmerizing world of this delicate creature.

Chalk Hill Blue

The Fascinating Chalk Hill Blue Butterfly

2.1 Physical Characteristics

The Chalk Hill Blue butterfly is a medium-sized species, with a wingspan ranging from 3.5 to 4.5 centimeters. The males display a vibrant blue color on the upper side of their wings, while the females exhibit a darker brown tone with orange crescents. Both genders have distinctive black spots and intricate patterns that make them a sight to behold.

2.2 Habitat and Distribution

The Chalk Hill Blue is predominantly found in chalk grasslands and downs across

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