Meet the Eastern Rosella, a Colorful Australian Parrot

The Eastern Rosella is a large, colorful parrot native to eastern Australia. It is a member of the parrot family Psittacidae, and it is closely related to the Western Rosella (Platycercus icterotis). The Eastern Rosella is a popular pet bird, and it is also a common sight in backyards and parks throughout its range.

The Eastern Rosella is a large parrot, measuring about 18 inches in length. It has a long, slender body and a short tail. The male Eastern Rosella is more colorful than the female. The male has a bright red head, a yellow chest, and a blue-green back. The female is mostly green, with a yellow belly and a red forehead.


The Eastern Rosella is a social bird, and it is often seen in flocks of up to 20 birds. They are active and playful birds, and they enjoy climbing and swinging on branches. Eastern Rosellas are also good singers, and they have a variety of vocalizations that they use to communicate

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