Crested Pigeon: A Glimpse of Stunning Plumage

The crested pigeon (Ocyphaps lophotes) is a large, colorful bird found in Australia. It is one of the most distinctive pigeons in the world, thanks to its striking crest and plumage.

The crested pigeon is about the size of a turkey, with a long, slender neck and a large head. The male has a bright green head and neck, with a black crest that extends over the back of its head. The female is slightly smaller and has a brown head and neck. Both sexes have a blue-gray body with a white belly.

Crested pigeons are found in a variety of habitats, including forests, woodlands, and grasslands. They are usually seen in pairs or small groups, and they are quite vocal birds. Their call is a loud, raspy “cooing” sound.

Crested pigeons are omnivorous, and their diet consists of fruits, seeds, insects, and small animals. They are also known to eat carrion.

Crested pigeons are relatively common birds, and they are not

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