Golden-breasted Starling: Nature’s Living Jewel

The Golden-breasted Starling (Lamprotornis regius) is a stunning bird found in the forests of Africa. It is known for its bright golden breast and its iridescent green back. The Golden-breasted Starling is a popular bird with birdwatchers, and it is often seen perched on treetops or soaring through the forest canopy.

If you are interested in learning more about the Golden-breasted Starling, or if you are planning a trip to Africa, be sure to read on for more information.

The Golden-breasted Starling is a medium-sized bird, measuring about 10 inches in length. It has a black head and neck, a golden breast, and an iridescent green back. The male has a longer tail than the female.

The Golden-breasted Starling is a noisy bird, and it makes a variety of calls, including a loud, metallic chirp. It is a social bird, and it often gathers in flocks of up to 30 birds.

The Golden-breasted Starling is an insectivore, and it feeds on a

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