Discover the Enchanting Grey-Sided Flowerpecker (Dicaeum celebicum): A Hidden Gem of Avian Beauty

Welcome to our blog post dedicated to the Grey-sided Flowerpecker (Dicaeum celebicum). Join us on a captivating journey through the rainforests of Southeast Asia as we uncover the unique features and behaviors of this enchanting avian species.

Field Identification

The Grey-sided Flowerpecker, scientifically known as Dicaeum celebicum, is a small passerine bird measuring approximately 9 centimeters in length. Males of this species exhibit striking greyish-black upperparts and a vibrant yellow underbelly, creating a delightful contrast. Females, on the other hand, have an elegant olive-green plumage with a lighter yellowish abdomen. Both genders possess slender beaks ideally suited for their foraging habits.

Systematics History

The Grey-sided Flowerpecker belongs to the Dicaeidae family, which comprises nectar-feeding and frugivorous birds. It falls under the genus Dicaeum, encompassing several flowerpecker species found across Asia and the Pacific.


As of now, no recognized subspecies of the Grey-sided Flowerpecker have been identified. However, regional variations may exist within its distribution range.


The Grey-sided Flowerpecker is endemic

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