Unveiling the Secret World of the Taiwan Yuhina: A Charming Songbird Unique to Taiwan

The Taiwan yuhina, also known as the Formosan yuhina, is a small songbird that is endemic to the island of Taiwan. It belongs to the family Timaliidae and is closely related to white-eyes. Its closest living relative is the black-chinned yuhina, which occurs on the Asian mainland.

The Taiwan yuhina is a distinctive bird, measuring 12-13 cm in length. It has a chocolate brown crest and a black beard stripe descending from its beak. Its back, wings, and tail are dark ash brown, and its lower breast is lighter in color.

This species is typically found in hill forests at elevations of 1,000–3,200 m above sea level, although it is most common between 1,500–2,500 m. It is gregarious, active, and quite tame. It often joins other species,

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