Horrifying injuries of English Mastiff puppy which was shot 60 TIMES with pellets and BBs

When Hayden Howard’s keen eye first caught sight of Jackson’s distress, little did he know that a harrowing truth would soon unravel before him.

In the beginning, Hayden assumed that Jackson’s peculiar discomfort was merely a result of pesky bug bites, a minor inconvenience perhaps. But as the gravity of the situation began to unfurl, it became painfully evident that something far more sinister was at play.

Jackson, the unsuspecting canine companion, bore the brunt of a heart-wrenching ordeal. His once-vibrant body was transformed into a canvas marred by an inexplicable horror – a multitude of bullet holes, like cruel punctuation marks on an innocent life.

In a heart-wrenching interview, Hayden shared his initial shock and disbelief, recounting, “I was utterly stunned, lost in a tumult of emotions. Without a moment to spare, we rushed Jackson to the compassionate care of a nearby veterinary clinic.”

The dedicated staff and skilled veterinarian

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