What are the signs or symptoms of epilepsy in rabbits? What causes seizures in rabbits? How to treat epilepsy in rabbits? Rabbits, as well as dogs and cats, may experience seizures with involuntary body movements, usually with some sort of mental disorder.
In some cases, loss of consciousness may also occur. Seizures can be scary, especially if you’ve never seen a rabbit or have any other pets; while many rabbits recover completely from seizures, some have persistent symptoms.
What is epilepsy?
Seizures are defined as “physical findings or changes in behavior that occur after an onset of abnormal electrical activity in the brain”.
Rabbit Seizures
Symptoms of convulsions or seizures in rabbits.
A full-blown seizure in a rabbit can cause some brief (less than a minute) symptoms, which may include:
- Rolling over and noticeable anxiety
- Swing or “row” legs
- Panic
- Temporary loss of vision
- Abnormal head tilt
- Inability to use muscles in normal ways.
- Fainting (rarely)
Focal or partial seizures unrelated to convulsions are not as readily identifiable as epileptic activity. They may appear as:
- A simple ear twitch
- Loss of leg function
- “Bubble Bubbles” when bunnies lick the air and choke as if they have peanut butter on the top of their mouths or rudely chew bubble gum
Focal seizures are not as worrisome as severe seizures, and it is important to remember the length of the seizure.
Seizures lasting a few minutes can raise a rabbit’s body temperature and can cause permanent brain damage, while small, short seizures lasting only 20 seconds are unlikely to leave any lasting effects.
Causes of Seizures in Rabbits
There are many possible reasons why a rabbit twitches. Some are minor or temporary problems, while others are serious and potentially fatal. Include:
- Inner ear infection
- Infection with E. cuniculi (a single-celled organism)
- Toxic exposure
- Trauma
- Low blood sugar (low blood sugar)
- Epilepsy
- Cancer
- Rabies
- Birth defects
- Poisoning by drugs, plants or chemicals
- Blood clots
Rabbits at higher risk for seizures may have underlying heart, kidney or liver disease, brain damage, or neurological disease.
Diagnosis of Epilepsy in Rabbits
Your veterinarian may recommend specific tests to rule out some common causes of seizures, including cytology or ear cultures, MRI or CT scans, X-rays, E. cuniculi, or blood chemistry tests. However, there is no such thing as a “twitch test” that will tell you exactly why your rabbit is having a seizure.
If the test is inaccurate or the diagnosis is not within your budget, you can try a “cocktail” of the above drugs before you start giving your rabbit an anticonvulsant. Long time asshole.
How to Treat Epilepsy in Rabbits
If you are present when your rabbit has a seizure, stay calm and hold the rabbit firmly but gently so that it does not get knocked over or fall over and injure itself.
Next, look at the clock to see what time it is; most seizures last less than a minute. If your rabbit continues to twitch for more than a few minutes, you should take your rabbit to the nearest veterinarian for emergency treatment while cooling the rabbit with a damp paper towel.
Most of the time, your rabbit will stop twitching in less than a minute. When a rabbit is about to have a seizure, it is important to remain calm and speak softly to comfort him.
Once your rabbit has calmed down and is sitting up normally, mark the event on your calendar so you can track seizures.
If your rabbit has a seizure for the first time, you should contact your veterinarian to see what he or she can advise you to do or schedule an appointment to see your rabbit.
If the frequency of seizures increases over time, or if your rabbit has another seizure within 24 hours, see your veterinarian as soon as possible.
Your veterinarian may try a variety of medications to treat some of the most common causes of seizures.
If the exact cause of the seizures cannot be found, antibiotics, steroids, antiparasitic drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs and even seizure control drugs can be used. Phenobarbital is a common seizure control medication that your veterinarian may prescribe.
How to prevent seizures in rabbits?
Seizures or convulsions occur suddenly, usually as a result of an unknown cause. Therefore, prevention includes appropriate medication and care during and after a seizure. Regular checkups can help your veterinarian identify problems that may be causing seizures.
If you have any questions about epilepsy in pet rabbits. Contact or visit the nearest pet care center.
Hope your pet rabbit never has a seizure.
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