A New Lease on Life: Dog Tossed from Balcony Finds Purpose as Service Companion for Veteran

In an astonishing twist of fate, a dog aptly named ‘Miracle’ has defied the odds, surviving a harrowing plunge from a second-floor balcony and is now poised to embark on a transformative journey as a service dog for a military veteran, following several months in foster care.

Last December, a video capturing the heart-stopping moment a young German Shepherd was callously tossed from a Daytona Beach balcony gained viral notoriety. Fast forward to the present, and Miracle emerges with uplifting news—she has found a new home and is destined to become a service dog for a war veteran. The legal aftermath of the incident resulted in the prior owner, Allison Murphy, being deemed unfit to care for the dog, leading to a court-approved rehoming petition. Murphy faces felony charges and a five-year prohibition on owning animals.

The dramatic episode unfolded when Volusia County police responded to a distress call at a Daytona Beach hotel in December 2020, reporting a woman

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