The dog volunteered with the little owner to overcome his mother’s punishment

Dogs are both our and our kids’ best buddies. They even form great bonds with the kids. Could you image a dog willing to join his 3-year-old friend through timeout to keep him company? We’ll go through good and bad times together since we’re real friends. Play together and also stand by each other when one is reprimanded by parents.

When an Ohio mother wants her son to go in timeout to reflect on his undesirable conduct, she never expected the family’s dog to join his dog owner.

After Peyton, a three-year-old boy, got into a disagreement with his five-year-old sister Ryleigh and smacked her, his mother, Jillian Marie Smith, felt he needed to be placed on timeout. She offered Peyton two choices: remain in his room or take a timeout. The little boy opted for the latter.

But then something fantastic occurred. Dash, the family’s dog, came over to join the boy during his timeout, according to Good Morning America (GMA). Dash stood next to

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