Starved to the point of thin bones, the dog burst into tears when he heard someone came to help him

Galgos del Sol Animal Rescue comes to the rescue of galagos – Spanish hunting greyhounds – dogs which are abandoned or slaughtered by the hundreds each year in Spain at the end of hunting season. Because the dogs are not considered as prospective pets, they end up in kill shelters or, more commonly, thrown by the roadside to die.

That’s how Matilda was discovered. She was brokenhearted and in anguish, all alone on the streets, and she couldn’t stop crying. Her thin frame revealed all of her bones, as she is half her normal weight.

Tina Solera, the founder and president of Galgos del Sol Animal Rescue, was contacted by a group of young men and women to inform her about Matilda. Tina stated on Facebook that she received the call while driving through the town she was in. Things didn’t go as smoothly as she had hoped when she thought she could rescue Matilda without using a trap. A

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