Man rescued pair of abandoned pit bulls, they repaid him by rescuing him from assault

Thieves broke in, gave him a black eye and tried to steal his car… but didn’t count on a pair of pit bulls determined to save their owner. It’s a reminder of how loyal and loving rescue dogs can be. Thank you to these hero pit bulls!

It is always preferable to adopt a pet from a shelter. It’s an opportunity to offer a homeless or abandoned animal a new lease on life.

And sometimes, when you rescue an animal, they may return the favour. One man found out when his adopted dogs came to save the day.

Robert McGowan found two pit bulls in a local shelter. The dogs had a terrible life and were abandoned, according to The Dodo.

Pit bulls are the most prevalent breed of dog found in shelters, and their image as dangerous dogs discourages people from adopting them.

Robert, on the other hand, adopted the dogs and named them Ellabelle and Ladybird.

He provided them with a caring

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