A Second Chance for a Poor Dog with a Cruel Fate: Overcoming Terrible Odds

Thanks to the generosity of volunteers, a family of eight stray puppies in Tirur, south-west India, were rescued after becoming engulfed in toxic tar. A barrel of tar had toppled over a family of dogs, and the puppies were battling to breathe after being trapped in the toxic tar for eight hours.

The puppies were discovered smeared in thick black tar from head to tail in the streets of Tirur, India’s Kerala state. It is also thought that the tar barrel collapsed on top of them while they were sleeping, making escape impossible.

The puppy was in terrible shape.

Looking at the sad puppies in the sticky mess, a local animal lover named Mr. Jaleel contacted Humane Society International India animal rescuers. The team spends hours cleaning each and every little puppy with vegetable oil in order to remove the tar.

The team is having difficulty cleaning the puppies.

“This was such an incredible community effort because there

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