A Heartbreaking Decision: The Regret of Leaving a Puppy Dressed and Upset on the Day of His Adoption

Consider getting suited up in a tuxedo just to be turned down at the last minute. Unfortunately, an adorable puppy dressed in a tuxedo met the same end. Vicente was all dressed up and ready to travel to his future home when his new “owners” contacted to cancel his adoption the day before he was supposed to be picked up.

The adorable puppy was supposed to be adopted from Fundacion Rescatame, a non-profit in La Calera, Colombia. On September 9th, the rescue uploaded tragic photographs of the adorable Vicente on their Facebook page after he was turned down on adoption day.

“Vicente’s claimed adoptive never arrived for him,” according to the article. When he was washed and ready for a home, he cancelled his adoption. Then they inquire as to why we are so severe with the procedure, and we inform them that it is because of this! We don’t want to have any questions about our animal companions’ care for the remainder of their

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