The pure emotion felt in that precious moment when a baby and a dog embrace for the first time has the power to melt even the most resilient of hearts

Adding a new member to the family when you have a dog can be challenging. The dog’s reaction to the new child can vary, from loving acceptance to potential resentment. Since we can’t read a dog’s mind, it’s hard to predict how they will react. However, in most cases, things tend to work out well. And occasionally, they turn out exceptionally well, as shown in this heartwarming video.

Meet Reagan, who came into Kari Lewis’ life when she was feeling down after her foster daughters were adopted. Although Reagan actually lived with Kari’s mother, they spent plenty of time together. Then, Kari got the opportunity to adopt a baby boy who happened to be eight months old, just like Reagan. She named him “Buddy” because he became Reagan’s loyal companion. These two adorable buddies have gained quite a following on the Internet, with over 100,000 followers.

Buddy and Reagan are incredibly photogenic, and the video showcases numerous cute pictures of

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