I really like blueberries. I also tried for my rabbit to try. But will my pet rabbit eat blueberries? Can rabbits eat blueberries safely? Can rabbits eat blueberries?
The answer is yes. Blueberries are safe for pets. They have no known side-effects for the animals in question, and there have not been any reports of negative reactions to pets eating blueberries or other fruit.
You can read more – What Do Rabbits Eat And Drink
Blueberry Health Benefits
Blueberries have little calories. Fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin K levels are all high. According to a recent piece on Healthline. Antioxidants shield your body from free radicals, which are unstable chemicals that may cause cell damage and contribute to aging and illnesses like cancer.
Blueberries are thought to contain the greatest antioxidant content of any common fruit or vegetable. According to some research, blueberries may be beneficial to your heart as well as your blood pressure. Another study found that blueberries may be good for diabetes and glucose metabolism.

Are Blueberries Healthy For Rabbits to Eat?
- Because blueberries are low in calories and fat, they are a better food for your pet if he or she is overweight or has diabetes than other treats with a greater caloric content.
- Blueberries also have a high water content, which will help keep your pet hydrated.
- As indicated in the section on the nutritional content of blueberries, blueberries include a large number of vitamins B, C, E, K, and so on – vitamins that aid in the protection of essential bodily systems that keep the body operating and working properly.
- Blueberries include fiber, which can help your rabbit’s digestive tract work smoothly and will also help maintain blood sugar levels steady if you have a diabetic rabbit.
Do Rabbits Eat Blueberries?
- When given a blueberry, most rabbits will eat it.
- In a vegetable garden, most rabbits will eat peas, beans, beets, and carrots, as well as any sweet fruit presented to them, including blueberries.
- However, just because rabbits eat blueberries does not guarantee that this is the healthiest or safest option for your pet.
- Don’t be concerned if your rabbit refuses to eat the blueberries that are presented; it happens.
- Another source of fresh food that your rabbit will enjoy eating is another fruit or vegetable.
Can Rabbits Eat Blueberries Safely?
Some items that we humans can consume are really poisonous to rabbits and should be avoided at all costs.
While there is nothing dangerous to rabbits in the blueberry itself, don’t give them too much since issues might occur, as I will detail later down in this post.
Blueberries can be fed to rabbits by their owners, but they should not be their exclusive source of nutrition. Rabbits love grass, commercial feed pellets, and hay, as well as a clean, fresh water dish.
Because rabbits are herbivores, they require a diet high in fiber and low in sugar and fat.
They get their fiber supplied in the form of plants, such as hay which is a roughage that contains a lot of fiber.
This fiber is beneficial for two reasons:
- Dietary fiber keeps the rabbit’s digestive system running smoothly (it’s the same reason why some people take a fiber supplement like Metamucil!).
- The physical roughage (hay) helps keep the rabbit’s teeth healthy and worn down as their teeth are continually growing and need to be filed in order to prevent overgrowth.
So, long story short- Yes!
Adult rabbits can have blueberries, if offered to them safely, and I’ll cover that in just a bit.
You do not want to feed the wrong blueberry or the wrong amount or frequency, potentially making your furry friend unintentionally sick.

Can Baby Bunnies Eat Blueberries?
Baby rabbits have far more delicate gastrointestinal systems than adult rabbits.
To allow their stomachs to develop with them, avoid feeding newborn bunnies any fruits or vegetables until they are 12 weeks old.
Then, when you’re ready to expose them to juicy veggies, go carefully at first, waiting at least 24 hours to monitor any potential unwanted side effects before going on to try more of the same veggie snack or a new delightful treat.
Remember that infant and young rabbits, as well as juvenile rabbits, have more sensitive digestive tracts!
Wait 24 hours to observe how they react.
If everything is in order, go to the next treat.
Is The Rest Of The Blueberry Plant Safe To Eat?
- Leaves: You can give your rabbit blueberry leaves.
- Stem: Your rabbit will likely not eat blueberry stems, or perhaps just nibble on it, when offered other parts of the plant. Do not feed the stem to your pet.
Can Rabbits Eat Cooked Blueberries?
Do not feed cooked blueberries to your rabbit.
Any cooked or processed blueberry is not suggested because your rabbit is a herbivore that relies on raw foods for nutrition.
Everything a rabbit need may be obtained fresh and uncooked. Your rabbit’s stomach is just not designed to digest cooked food, even blueberries.
One significant advantage of providing fresh veggies is that it is not only healthier for your rabbit but also requires considerably less effort on your part!
How About Blueberry Leaves?
There’s no reason your rabbit can’t enjoy nibbling on blueberry leaves, unless they’re allergic to blueberries.
They like having little objects to gnaw on to keep them engaged and interested during their busy days!
The texture of the stem is not too rough, so as long as it is short and thin, it is good for a tiny piece of stem to remain connected to the blueberry for them to gnaw on.
However, just like everything else rabbits may stuff in their mouths, they might be a choking hazard, so keep an eye on your rabbit while he or she is chewing on this berry delight!
Can Rabbits Eat Blueberry Seeds?
Your rabbit should have no problem munching away on a fresh slice of blueberry with the seeds intact.
There is no reason why these small blueberry seeds need to be removed before serving blueberry pieces to your pet bunny.
Can They Eat Dried Blueberries?
Because dried fruits contain a higher amount of sugars, I can not advise you to feed your rabbit dried blueberries even if it is for a small snack.
It is unsafe to do!
Can Rabbits Eat Frozen Blueberries?
No, rabbits should not be given frozen blueberries. Frozen fruits such as blueberries are a choking hazard, something that your pet should not be offered.
How About Eating Blueberry Muffins?
Muffins, even those with blueberries in them, are unsafe to feed your pet. Muffins contain added sugars and other ingredients that are not safe and can be harmful to your rabbit.
Can Rabbits Have Blueberry Jam or Jelly?
Jellies and jams have added sugars, spices, and/or preservatives or additives in them.
Therefore, it is not advised to feed your pet any fruit jam or jelly, including the blueberry varieties.
What About Blueberry Juice?
You should not offer your bunny blueberry juice or soda. This is because blueberry juice has a high sugar content, which is not going to be good for your pet.
High sugar content can cause diarrhea, obesity, etc., creating more problems than good. No blueberry juice for your rabbit please!
Medical & Health Concerns of Feeding Blueberries to Rabbits
Are there any circumstances when blueberries might be bad for your pet?
Yes, some of the common issues seen with feeding blueberries to rabbits include:
- Pesticides: Blueberries should always be washed to make sure they are free of any pesticides or chemicals that could be harmful to rabbits.
- Parasites: Blueberries should be checked over for parasites that can lead to potential parasite problems with your rabbit
- Overly Ripened: Avoid rotten fruits and vegetables that can cause diarrhea and gastrointestinal upset.
- Baby Bunnies: Baby bunnies have a more sensitive digestive system than their adult counterparts do, and therefore you shouldn’t give your rabbit friend any fruits or vegetables until they reach around 12 weeks of age.
How To Feed Blueberries To Your Rabbit
- To begin, always buy high-quality blueberries for your rabbit from a trustworthy food source.
- All fruits and vegetables must be visually inspected to ensure that they are ripe and nutritious for your pet to consume.
- When initially introducing blueberries to your rabbit, see how they react after only one little slice!
- You could want to explore combining blueberries and veggies to stop them from digging through their meal bowl and eating only the favored foods in their plate.
- Food should be served on a shallow, clean dish that cannot be turned over easily.
- Always have fresh water on hand in a small dish that cannot be easily knocked over. This water dish should be cleaned and rinsed on a regular basis.
- Any food left in your rabbit’s enclosure that is not consumed will begin to deteriorate and become unhealthy for your bunny to consume, assuming they will even touch it at all.
- This might cause serious health problems, as well as a stinky cage and a pest problem, which you do not want to deal with.
- As a result, it is critical to wipe up any meals that
How To Feed Blueberries to Rabbits
- Active Time: 1 minute
- Total Time: 1 minute
- Difficulty: Easy
- Estimated Cost: 3.00
How to properly and safely feed blueberries to your pet rabbit.
- Make careful you properly wash the blueberries to remove any dirt, chemicals, or pesticides.
- When initially introducing blueberries to your rabbit, see how they react after only one little slice!
- You could want to explore combining blueberries and veggies to stop them from digging through their meal bowl and eating only the favored foods in their plate.
- Any food left in your rabbit’s enclosure beyond 12-24 hours will begin to deteriorate and become unhealthy for your bunny to consume. Remove any uneaten meals.
- Monitor your pet for 24 hours for any adverse responses to the new food.
Serving Size of Blueberries To Feed Your Rabbit:
- The first thing to consider is the portion size you are providing your pet.
- The usual blueberry ration should be 1-3 little blueberries or 1-2 bigger blueberries, depending on the size of your rabbit.
- When first introducing blueberries to your rabbit, offer one tiny blueberry and wait at least 24 hours to observe if there are any adverse effects before giving your pet more blueberries.
- They should be fed blueberries no more than 1-2 times a week, and no more than two days in a row. However, gradually increase the frequency and quantity!
- Because of the risk for digestive and other health issues, blueberries should be confined to a rare treat only.
- Moderation is key when it comes to blueberries!
How Much Blueberry to Feed
- Fresh veggies should be added to your pet rabbit’s already well-balanced diet as a supplement.
- These fresh fruits and vegetables should account for roughly 10-15% of your rabbit’s diet.
- The usual blueberry portion size should be 1-3 blueberries depending on the size of your bunny and the size of the blueberries.
- Remember that eating too much fruit might induce intestinal problems.
Common Signs of Adverse Reaction:
- lethargy
- diarrhea/loose stool
- anorexia
- excessive or increased itching/scratching/licking of skin or paws
Rabbits can have ripe, clean blueberries in moderation.
Too many blueberries can cause a multitude of health problems for your bunny.
Do not feed immature rabbits or rabbits with underlying health conditions blueberries even as a treat until they are of correct age to have it or their condition has improved and blueberry-eating has been approved by your veterinarian.
If you have concerns regarding feeding your rabbit blueberries, contact your local veterinarian beforehand. Or leave assessments/contributions in the comment. I will answer you immediately.