Can Rabbits Eat Cilantro?

Can rabbits eat cilantro safely? This article will help you answer this question. And many notes when your rabbits eat Cilantro.

Let’s Talk Cilantro… I mean Coriander

  • Cilantro is a annual plant used as a herb and a spice in cooking.
  • People in the United States refer to “cilantro” as the leaves and stems or stalks of the plant, and “coriander” refers to the seeds of the same plant.
  • Just because cilantro and coriander come from the same plant, doesn’t necessarily mean that they taste the same, does it?
  • Cilantro and coriander have different tastes and aromas.
  • Most people describe the taste of cilantro leaves as a citrusy, tart, lemon/lime taste, but some people can’t stand the taste and think that the leaves taste like dish soap!
  • On the flipside, coriander commonly has a less dramatic taste and smell.
  • Its flavor and aroma is usually described as warm, spicy, earthy, and nutty, with just a hint of citrus.

Cilantro Nutrition

Cilantro contains some of essential nutrients including calcium, phosphorus and Vitamin C that can be helpful in keeping your rabbit healthy.

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