Piglet the Pink Puppy Can’t See or Hear, But He Inspires Kids Every Day

nfortunately, some breeders do not consider the potential health complications that may develop when breeding dogs. Piglet is a cross between a Chihuahua and a Dachshund, and both of his parents are dappled. When two dogs of this hue are mated together, the puppies have a 25% chance of becoming a “double dapple,” which is often associated with the puppy being partly or entirely blind and deaf. Piglet was unfortunately one of those puppies, and he is entirely blind and deaf, but that doesn’t stop him.

Piglet acquired his moniker from his light pink colouring as a puppy. He is a beautiful and adorable dog, but due to his specific requirements, he required a family that was ready to give him more care and affection.

Piglet’s History
Piglet was discovered in a hoarding

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