Boy With Brain Injury Won’t Wake Up, Family Says Goodbye, As Dog Lay On Top Of Him And A miracle Has Happened

Going through something so terrible like a traumatic accident is so hard and heartbreaking. When it’s a small child, it’s much more difficult and distressing.

Children should be able to enjoy their childhoods rather than fighting for existence at such a young age. Caleb’s life was in jeopardy after a terrible vehicle accident that left the little youngster in the intensive care unit with a catastrophic brain damage.

His parents were heartbroken. They had no idea what life would be like for Caleb in the future, or whether he would even survive.

It was understandably a difficult period for the family as they rallied around their youngster and hoped for a miracle. Caleb’s journey to recovery was clearly going to be long and arduous. But there was still some hope.

That glimmer of optimism has

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