Monty has spent seven years in kennels and still no one wants to adopt him

Monty has been described as one of the country’s “most ignored canines” at a rescue center in Edenbridge, England. Monty has spent the last seven of his eight years of his life at a rescue. Last Chance Animal Rescue personnel are baffled as to why Monty has yet to find his permanent home.

Monty was kept in a tiny cage during his first year of life. He was slumped over and had trust difficulties by the time he came at the rescue due of the neglect and abuse he had had as a child. Unfortunately, prospective adopters show little interest in Monty.
“Poor Monty has a bent back, which the doctors believe is the result of his prior owners confining him in a box that was too tiny for him for an extended length of time!” Because of this, he has trust difficulties

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