Dog Tied To Pole Reaches Out Paw To The Cop Who’s Come To Save Him

Officer Angela Laurella was dispatched to a report of two dogs chained to poles on a dead end street in Pompano, Florida.

Nobody knew how long the dogs had been there or who had abandoned them because there were no cameras in the area. Officer Laurella, on the other hand, realized that with temperatures exceeding 100 degrees outside, there was no time to waste.

She ran over to discover a weak gray dog clinging to a pole so tightly that he could scarcely move.

Amy Roman, president and founder of 100+ Abandoned Dogs of Everglades Florida, told The Dodo, “He was tied to a pole with a very short leash.” “He was emaciated, dehydrated, and every bone and rib protruded.”

To receive pets, the dog, now named Liam, placed his paw in the officer’s hand

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