She’s Given Birth on The Concrete In Cold, Stray Mother Dog With Broken Legs Fighting To Save Her puppies

The Diasozo Animal Rescue Team of Karditsa, Greece, is a small organization of volunteers rescuing, treating and rehoming abandoned and neglected strays from Karditsa, Greece.

They are trying hard to eliminate stray dog in Greece, but every time the job gets more difficult, the number of stray dogs keeps increasing in a weird phenomena, and one of the most difficult situations is having small puppies alone or with a helpless mother, and this a Similar casse.

This female Greek Kokkoni lived in a village where some inhabitants offered her food and water, but sadly none of them wanted to neuter her, so the inevitable happened.

She’s given birth on the concrete floor of a yard, and, according to what The Diasozo Animal Rescue Team told, approximately three days later she was hit by a

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