Desperate Dog Walks 20 Miles Twice To Go Back To The Family That Gave Her Up For Adoption

Cathleen the dog’s family relocated and couldn’t keep her, so she was given to a new owner in Prague, Oklahoma, some 20 miles away.

Cathleen, 6, had lived with her family since she was a puppy and missed them terribly, so she decided to take matters into her own hands.

She casually stepped out of her new yard and onto the road last week. She was on her way home.

“Animal control discovered her roaming the area where she used to reside,” Seminole Humane Society treasurer Marta Mattingly told The Dodo. “She was plainly yearning for her former family… but they just didn’t share her feelings for them.”

Cathleen is the only one who knows how she made the 20-mile trek safely. She was returned to her new owner, but she was so determined to locate her family that she did it again a

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