One of the wonderful things about having a dog is that they’re always excited to see you. Whether you were gone for minutes or hours, you’re guaranteed an enthusiastic greeting when you get home.
But when you’re gone for an even longer time, you’ll get an even bigger reaction from your beloved dog. That’s just what happened with a German Shepherd named Freya who has reunited with her owner after months apart.
The moment the two reunited was captured in a sweet video. When the video begins, Freya has no idea Dad is home.
Mom cracks the door ajar… Scattered paw steps can be heard in the background. A brown and black mass peeks out the dark green door, around the corner.
Freya flies out of the house! Yep, today’s surely a great day. The sun is shining, and so are their hearts.
Her human companion gleefully extends his arms for a huge hug. He’s been waiting on this for a long time, and so has she.
Freya gallops into her friend’s waiting arms, almost knocking him over with her own excitement. She’s a pretty big girl.
She can’t contain herself now that she’s reunited with the one she loves most. They embrace and look into each other’s eyes. This is legitimately one of the sweetest interactions I’ve ever seen.
Easily one of the most popular dog breeds in the world, German Shepherds are considered to be among the most loyal companions. They’ve even been known to put their own lives on the line to protect their loved ones. Freya definitely fits the bill. She would run through a wall for him.

Her heartwarming enthusiasm’s infectious. I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Freya lets out a series of yelps combined with scurried pacing and quick jumps. They’ll remember this moment forever.
The caged dog on the left continues to watch, probably tired of being locked up for so long. I wonder if he’s also waiting for someone.
Freya lunges at her friend, knocking him completely over. But he doesn’t mind.
Quite the opposite. In fact, he loves it.

They continue to relish every single moment.
They’ve been apart for far too long. Despite all the current problems in the world, they can enjoy the moment and each other’s company from here on out.
Freya finds a cozy spot in her friend’s lap, yielding another adorable moment.

Freya smothers Human Friend with a flurry of licks and kisses. She holds absolutely nothing back. She’s making up for months of lost time and it’s downright adorable.
He sends his love right back, completely overjoyed to see her, too. One belly rub coming right up, just like old times. Maybe even two.
Freya gladly accepts.
The entire exchange lasts for over two whole minutes. They’re nothing but love. I’m sure the last few months have been incredibly hard for both of them. But there’s no more need to wait. All is good in the world, if only for a few brief moments.

There’s nothing as heartwarming as watching a beautiful dog and owner reunion! We’re so glad Freya and her dad are back together again.